Monday, April 2, 2012

Lesson 4b Additional Education Databases

Discovery Exercises:

1)  I did a search for Technology Education and Alaska in the Teacher Reference Center and returned 46 results.  When limited to full text and published after 2008 I only returned 7.

(American Psychological Assoc.)
Skelton, S. (2004). Thriving in Rural Alaska. English Journal, 93(6), 76-81.

2)  Searching ERIC returned 297 results and when limited it returned only 10.  The title that I found without a PDF or HTML was  STEM: Science Technology Engineering Mathematics. State-level Analysis-you can only view full text online.

3)  Searching Professional Development returned 57 results and when limited returned 9 and yes many of the titles were familiar and they did overlap. 

4)  When searching all the databases together I returned 384 results and when limited there was a total of 18.  The value of searching just one database will narrow your results down depending on which direction you are leaning.  If you want more from the professional development standpoint then it makes more sense to use the Professional Development website to narrow your search in that direction.

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